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200+ Common and Popular Italian Names with Meanings

200+ Common and Popular Italian Names with Meanings

If you’re looking for a cool Italian name for your baby, you’re in luck!

Check out our blog all about common and popular Italian names. Whether you’re having a girl, a boy, or want something gender-neutral, Italian names have a mix of classic and trendy feels that we think you’ll adore.

Come along as we explore a bunch of beautiful Italian names that might just be the perfect fit for your little one!

Explore common and popular Italian names for boys, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Alberto (al-BEHR-toh): Noble, Bright
  2. Alessandro (ah-lehs-SAHN-droh): Defender of mankind
  3. Alessio (ah-LEH-see-oh): Defender, Protector
  4. Angelo (ahn-JEH-loh): Angel, Messenger of God
  5. Antonio (ahn-TOH-nyoh): Priceless, Inestimable
  6. Armando (ahr-MAHN-doh): Army man, Soldier
  7. Bruno (BROO-noh): Brown, Bear-like
  8. Carlo (KAHR-loh): Strong, Manly
  9. Claudio (KLAW-dyoh): Lame, Limping
  10. Cristiano (kree-STYAH-noh): Follower of Christ
  11. Daniele (dah-NYEH-leh): God is my judge
  12. Davide (dah-VEE-deh): Beloved
  13. Diego (DYEH-goh): Supplanter
  14. Domenico (doh-MEH-nee-koh): Belonging to the Lord
  15. Edoardo (eh-doh-AHR-doh): Wealthy guardian
  16. Elio (EH-lyoh): Sun, Sunshine
  17. Emanuele (eh-mah-NWEH-leh): God is with us
  18. Enrico (ehn-REE-koh): Ruler of the household
  19. Enzo (EN-zoh): Renowned warrior
  20. Ettore (EHT-toh-reh): Holding fast, Steadfast
  21. Fabio (FAH-byoh): Bean grower
  22. Fabrizio (fah-BREET-syoh): Craftsman, Artisan
  23. Federico (feh-deh-REE-koh): Peaceful ruler
  24. Filippo (fee-LEEP-poh): Lover of horses
  25. Francesco (frahn-CHEHS-koh): Frenchman, Free man
  26. Franco (FRAHN-koh): Free man
  27. Gabriel (GAH-bree-el): God is my strength
  28. Gennaro (jehn-NAH-roh): January-born
  29. Giacomo (JAH-koh-moh): Supplanter
  30. Gino (JEE-noh): Well-born, Noble
  31. Giorgio (JOR-jyoh): Farmer, Earthworker
  32. Giovanni (jo-VAHN-nee): God is gracious
  33. Giuliano (joo-LYAH-noh): Youthful, downy-bearded
  34. Giulio (JOO-lyoh): Youthful, Downy-bearded
  35. Giuseppe (joo-ZEHP-peh): God will add
  36. Leonardo (leh-oh-NAHR-doh): Brave lion
  37. Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh): From Laurentum
  38. Luca (LOO-kah): Bringer of light
  39. Luciano (loo-CHEE-ah-noh): Light, illumination
  40. Ludovico (loo-doh-VEE-koh): Famous warrior
  41. Luigi (loo-EE-jee): Famous warrior
  42. Manuel (mah-noo-EHL): God is with us
  43. Marcello (mahr-CHEHL-loh): Young warrior
  44. Marco (MAHR-koh): Dedicated to Mars
  45. Mario (MAH-ree-oh): Bitter
  46. Massimo (MAHS-see-moh): Greatest
  47. Matteo (maht-TEH-oh): Gift of God
  48. Michele (mee-KEH-leh): Who is like God
  49. Niccolo (neek-KOH-loh): Victory of the people
  50. Nico (NEE-koh): Victory of the people
  51. Nicola (nee-KOH-lah): Victory of the people
  52. Oscar (AHS-kahr): Deer friend
  53. Paolo (PAH-oh-loh): Small, Humble
  54. Pasquale (pahs-KWAH-leh): Easter
  55. Piero (PYEH-roh): Rock
  56. Pietro (PYEH-troh): Rock
  57. Raffaele (rahf-fah-EH-leh): God has healed
  58. Renato (reh-NAH-toh): Reborn, Renewed
  59. Riccardo (ree-KAHR-doh): Brave ruler
  60. Roberto (roh-BEHR-toh): Bright fame
  61. Rocco (ROK-koh): Rest, Battle cry
  62. Romeo (ROH-meh-oh): Pilgrim to Rome, Roman
  63. Salvatore (sal-vah-TOH-reh): Savior, Rescuer
  64. Samuele (sah-MWEH-leh): God has heard
  65. Sergio (SEHR-jyoh): Servant, Attendant
  66. Silvio (SEEL-vee-oh): Wood, Forest
  67. Simone (see-MOH-neh): He who hears, Listener
  68. Stefano (STEH-fah-noh): Crown, Garland
  69. Tommaso (tohm-MAH-zoh): Twin
  70. Valerio (vah-LEH-ryoh): Strong, Healthy
  71. Vincenzo (veen-CHEHN-tsoh): To conquer, Victorious
  72. Vittorio (veet-TOH-ryo): Victor, Conqueror

Discover common and popular Italian names for girls, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adele (ah-DEH-leh): Noble, Serene
  2. Adriana (ah-dree-AH-nah): From Hadria, Dark
  3. Alessandra (ah-lehs-SAHN-drah): Defender of mankind
  4. Alessia (ah-LEH-see-ah): Defender, Protector
  5. Alice (ah-LEES): Noble, Truthful
  6. Allegra (ah-LEH-grah): Joyful, Lively
  7. Amalia (ah-MAH-lee-ah): Industrious, Hardworking
  8. Ambra (AHM-brah): Amber, Jewel
  9. Angelica (ahn-JEHL-ee-kah): Angelic, Divine
  10. Angelina (ahn-jeh-LEE-nah): Angelic, Messenger of God
  11. Anna (AH-nah): Grace, Favor
  12. Annabella (ahn-ah-BEH-lah): Beautiful, Graceful
  13. Antonella (ahn-toh-NEHL-lah): Priceless, Inestimable
  14. Aria (AH-ree-ah): Melody, Song
  15. Arianna (ah-ree-AHN-nah): Holy, Blessed
  16. Aurora (aw-ROH-rah): Dawn, Morning light
  17. Beatrice (BEE-ah-tree-cheh): Bringer of joy, Blessed
  18. Benedetta (behn-deh-DEHT-tah): Blessed, Favored
  19. Bianca (BYAHN-kah): White, Pure
  20. Camilla (kah-MEEL-lah): Young ceremonial attendant
  21. Carla (KAHR-lah): Free woman
  22. Carlotta (kahr-LOHT-tah): Feminine form of Charles, Strong
  23. Carolina (kah-roh-LEE-nah): Free woman, Strong
  24. Caterina (kah-teh-REE-nah): Pure, Clear
  25. Cecilia (seh-CHEE-lee-ah): Blind, Illuminated
  26. Chiara (KYAH-rah): Bright, Clear
  27. Clara (KLAH-rah): Bright, Clear
  28. Claudia (KLOU-dyah): Lame, limping
  29. Costanza (koh-STAHN-tsah): Constant, Steadfast
  30. Cristina (krees-TEE-nah): Follower of Christ
  31. Daniela (dah-NYEH-lah): God is my judge
  32. Diana (dee-AH-nah): Divine, Heavenly
  33. Donatella (doh-nah-TEHL-lah): Given, Gift
  34. Elena (eh-LEH-nah): Bright, Shining light
  35. Elettra (eh-LEH-trah): Bright, Shining light
  36. Elisa (eh-LEE-zah): God is my oath
  37. Elisabetta (eh-lee-zah-BEHT-tah): God is my oath
  38. Ella (EH-lah): Light, Beautiful fairy
  39. Emilia (eh-MEE-lee-ah): Rival, Eager
  40. Emily (EH-mee-lee): Rival, Eager
  41. Emma (EHM-mah): Whole, Universal
  42. Erica (EH-ree-kah): Eternal ruler, Ever-powerful
  43. Erika (EH-ree-kah): Eternal ruler, Ever-powerful
  44. Eva (EH-vah): Life, Living one
  45. Fabiana (fah-BYAH-nah): Bean grower, Grower of beans
  46. Federica (feh-deh-REE-kah): Peaceful ruler
  47. Filomena (fee-loh-MEH-nah): Lover of strength, Friend of might
  48. Flavia (FLAH-vyah): Blond, Golden-haired
  49. Francesca (frahn-CHEHS-kah): Free woman
  50. Gabriella (gah-bree-EHL-lah): God is my strength
  51. Gaia (GAH-yah): Earth, Mother goddess
  52. Gemma (JEHM-mah): Precious stone, Gem
  53. Ginevra (jee-NEHV-rah): Fair one, White wave
  54. Giorgia (JOR-jyah): Farmer, Earthworker
  55. Giovanna (joh-VAHN-nah): God is gracious
  56. Giulia (JOO-lyah): Youthful, Downy-bearded
  57. Giuseppina (joo-sehp-PEE-nah): God will add
  58. Greta (GREH-tah): Pearl
  59. Ilaria (ee-LAH-ryah): Cheerful, Merry
  60. Irene (ee-REH-neh): Peace
  61. Isabella (ee-sah-BEHL-lah): God is my oath
  62. Julia (JOO-lyah): Youthful, Downy-bearded
  63. Laura (LAHW-rah): Laurel, Symbol of victory
  64. Laurenza (lau-REN-tsah): Laurel, Symbol of victory
  65. Lea (LEH-ah): Weary, Tired
  66. Lia (LEE-ah): Weary, Tired
  67. Livia (LEE-vee-ah): Blue, Envious
  68. Lucia (LOO-chee-ah): Light, Illumination
  69. Luciana (loo-CHEE-ah-nah): Light, Illumination
  70. Lucrezia (loo-KREH-tsya): Profit, wealth
  71. Ludovica (loo-doh-VEE-kah): Famous warrior
  72. Luna (LOO-nah): Moon, Divine light
  73. Maddalena (mahd-dah-LEH-nah): Of Magdala, Woman from Magdala
  74. Margherita (mar-geh-REE-tah): Pearl
  75. Maria (mah-REE-ah): Wished-for child, Rebellion
  76. Marika (mah-REE-kah): Bitter, Rebellion
  77. Marina (mah-REE-nah): Of the sea
  78. Marta (MAHR-tah): Lady, Mistress
  79. Martina (mahr-TEE-nah): Lady, Mistress
  80. Matilde (mah-TEEL-deh): Strength in battle
  81. Melania (meh-LAH-nyah): Black, Dark
  82. Mia (MEE-ah): Mine, belonging to me
  83. Michela (mee-KEH-lah): Who is like God
  84. Milena (mee-LEH-nah): Gracious, Dear
  85. Mirella (mee-REHL-lah): Admirable, Wonderful
  86. Miriam (mee-RYAHM): Rebellion, Bitterness
  87. Monica (MOH-nee-kah): Adviser, Solitary
  88. Nadia (NAH-dyah): Hope
  89. Natalia (nah-TAH-lyah): Born at Christmas
  90. Nicoletta (nee-koh-LEHT-tah): Victory of the people
  91. Nina (NEE-nah): Little girl
  92. Noemi (noh-EH-mee): Pleasantness, Charm
  93. Olivia (oh-LEE-vyah): Olive tree
  94. Ornella (awr-NEHL-lah): Flowering ash tree
  95. Paola (pah-OH-lah): Small, Humble
  96. Patrizia (pah-TREET-syah): Noblewoman, Patrician
  97. Rachele (rah-KEH-leh): Ewe, Lamb
  98. Raffaella (rahf-fah-EHL-lah): God has healed
  99. Rebecca (REH-bek-kah): Captivating, Knotted cord
  100. Renata (reh-NAH-tah): Reborn, Renewed
  101. Roberta (roh-BEHR-tah): Bright fame
  102. Rosa (ROH-zah): Rose
  103. Rossella (roh-SSEH-lah): Rose
  104. Sabina (sah-BEE-nah): Sabine woman
  105. Sabrina (sah-BREE-nah): From the River Severn
  106. Sara (SAH-rah): Princess, Noblewoman
  107. Serena (seh-REH-nah): Serene, Calm
  108. Silvia (SEEL-vyah): Forest, woods
  109. Simona (see-MOH-nah): He who hears, Listener
  110. Sofia (soh-FEE-ah): Wisdom
  111. Stella (STEH-lah): Star
  112. Susanna (soo-ZAHN-nah): Lily, Rose
  113. Teresa (teh-REH-sah): Harvester, Reaper
  114. Tiziana (tsee-TSYAH-nah): Silent, Calm
  115. Valentina (vah-lehn-TEE-nah): Strong, Healthy
  116. Valeria (vah-LEH-ryah): Strong, Healthy
  117. Vanessa (vah-NEH-sah): Butterfly
  118. Veronica (veh-ROH-nee-kah): True image, Honest
  119. Viola (vyoh-lah): Violet
  120. Vittoria (veet-TAW-ryah): Victor, Conqueror
  121. Viviana (vee-VYAH-nah): Full of life, Lively
  122. Ylenia (ee-LEH-nya): Torch, Light
  123. Yolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet flower
  124. Zaira (ZAHY-rah): Rose, Flower
  125. Zara (ZAH-rah): Princess, Flower
  126. Zoe (ZOH-ee): Life

Discover common and popular Italian names suitable for any gender, each with its pronunciation and meaning:

  1. Adriano (ah-DREE-ah-noh): From Hadria, Dark
  2. Agata (ah-GAH-tah): Good, Kind
  3. Alessi (ah-LEH-see): Defender, Protector
  4. Alex (AH-leks): Defender of mankind
  5. Amedeo (ah-MEH-deh-oh): Loved by God
  6. Ari (AH-ree): Lion
  7. Aronne (ah-ROHN-neh): Mountain, Mountain of strength
  8. Carmine/Carmen (KAHR-meen/KAHR-men): Song, Poem
  9. Cristian (KREES-tyahn): Follower of Christ
  10. Dani (DAH-nee): God is my judge
  11. Dario (DAH-ree-oh): Possessing goodness, Rich
  12. Edo (EH-doh): Wealthy guardian
  13. Eli (EH-lee): Ascend, Uplifted
  14. Elia (EH-lee-ah): My God is Yahweh
  15. Emanuel (ee-MAN-yoo-el): God is with us
  16. Enea (EH-neh-ah): Praise, commendation
  17. Leo (LEE-oh): Lion
  18. Lucio (LOO-chee-oh): Light, Illumination
  19. Sam (sam): God has heard
  20. Sasha (SAH-shah): Defender of mankind
  21. Val (val): Strong, healthy
  22. Valentino (vah-len-TEE-noh): Strong, healthy

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