170+ Best Italian Twin Boy Names with Meanings

Struggling to find the perfect Italian twin boy names? No worries! This guide has you covered!
Scroll down to discover over 170 fantastic Italian twin boy names for your little guys. Whether you’re looking for names that rhyme, share a cool meaning, or are short and snappy, we’ve got options that’ll suit your style.
Table of Contents
Italian Twin Boy Names that Rhyme

- Alberto and Gilberto
- Alberto: Noble and bright
- Gilberto: Bright pledge
- Alberto and Roberto
- Alberto: Noble and bright
- Roberto: Bright fame
- Alessandro and Pietro
- Alessandro: Defender of the people
- Pietro: Rock, stone
- Alessio and Bessio
- Alessio: Defender, warrior
- Bessio: Unknown meaning
- Alfredo and Gennaro
- Alfredo: Elf counsel
- Gennaro: January (associated with new beginnings)
- Andrea and Enea
- Andrea: Manly, strong
- Enea: Praise
- Angelo and Giorgio
- Angelo: Angel
- Giorgio: Farmer
- Antonio and Mario
- Antonio: Beyond praise
- Mario: Warlike
- Claudio and Edoardo
- Claudio: Lame
- Edoardo: Wealthy guardian
- Claudio and Taddeo
- Claudio: Lame
- Taddeo: Gift of God
- Daniele and Michele
- Daniele: God is my judge
- Michele: Who is like God
- Edoardo and Bernardo
- Edoardo: Wealthy guardian
- Bernardo: Brave as a bear
- Emiliano and Luciano
- Emiliano: Rival, challenger
- Luciano: Light
- Enzo and Lorenzo
- Enzo: Rules his household
- Lorenzo: Laurel
- Fabio and Flavio
- Fabio: Bean grower
- Flavio: Blond
- Gabriel and Michael
- Gabriel: God is my strength
- Michael: Who is like God
- Gianni and Giovanni
- Gianni: God is gracious
- Giovanni: God is gracious
- Leonardo and Bernardo
- Leonardo: Brave lion
- Bernardo: Brave as a bear
- Marco and Franco
- Marco: Warlike
- Franco: Free man
- Paolo and Carlo
- Paolo: Small
- Carlo: Man, warrior
- Sergio and Diego
- Sergio: Attendant
- Diego: Supplanter
- Tommaso and Massimo
- Tommaso: Twin
- Massimo: Greatest
- Umberto and Roberto
- Umberto: Bright warrior
- Roberto: Bright fame
- Valerio and Gregorio
- Valerio: Strong, healthy
- Gregorio: Watchful, alert
- Vincenzo and Lorenzo
- Vincenzo: Conquering
- Lorenzo: Laurel
Italian Twin Boy Names with the Same Letter

- Alessandro and Andrea
- Alessandro: Defender of mankind
- Andrea: Manly, strong
- Alessio and Andrea
- Alessio: Defender, warrior
- Andrea: Manly, strong
- Bartolomeo and Benedetto
- Bartolomeo: Son of Talmai
- Benedetto: Blessed
- Bruno and Benito
- Bruno: Brown, bear-like
- Benito: Blessed
- Carlo and Cristiano
- Carlo: Man, warrior
- Cristiano: Follower of Christ
- Dante and Dario
- Dante: Enduring
- Dario: Upholder of the good
- Enzo and Elio
- Enzo: Rules his household
- Elio: Sun
- Federico and Francesco
- Federico: Peaceful ruler
- Francesco: Free man
- Gabriele and Giovanni
- Gabriele: God is my strength
- Giovanni: God is gracious
- Gianluca and Giacomo
- Gianluca: God is gracious
- Giacomo: Supplanter
- Hugo and Hector
- Hugo: Mind, intellect
- Hector: Holding fast
- Ignazio and Isacco
- Ignazio: Fire
- Isacco: He will laugh
- Leonardo and Lorenzo
- Leonardo: Brave lion
- Lorenzo: Laurel
- Luca and Lorenzo
- Luca: Bringer of light
- Lorenzo: Laurel
- Marco and Matteo
- Marco: Warlike
- Matteo: Gift of God
- Niccolò and Nino
- Niccolò: Victory of the people
- Nino: God is gracious
- Osvaldo and Orlando
- Osvaldo: God’s power
- Orlando: Famous land
- Pietro and Paolo
- Pietro: Rock, stone
- Paolo: Small
- Pietro and Pio
- Pietro: Rock, stone
- Pio: Pious
- Roberto and Riccardo
- Roberto: Bright fame
- Riccardo: Powerful ruler
- Stefano and Sergio
- Stefano: Crown, garland
- Sergio: Attendant
- Tommaso and Teodoro
- Tommaso: Twin
- Teodoro: God’s gift
- Ubaldo and Ugo
- Ubaldo: Bold, brave
- Ugo: Mind, intellect
- Umberto and Ugo
- Umberto: Bright warrior
- Ugo: Mind, intellect
- Valentino and Vincenzo
- Valentino: Strong, healthy
- Vincenzo: Conquering
- Vittorio and Valerio
- Vittorio: Victor, conqueror
- Valerio: Strong, healthy
- Xander and Xavier
- Xander: Defender of the people
- Xavier: Bright, splendid
- Yago and Yvan
- Yago: Supplanter
- Yvan: God is gracious
- Yves and Yuri
- Yves: Yew wood
- Yuri: Farmer
- Zaccaria and Zeno
- Zaccaria: God remembers
- Zeno: Gift of Zeus
Italian Twin Boy Names with the Same Meaning

- Adriano and Hadrian (both mean from Adria and dark one)
- Alessandro and Alessio (both mean defender of mankind)
- Alessandro and Sandro (both mean defender of mankind)
- Angelo and Arcangelo (both mean angel)
- Beniamino and Benedetto (both mean blessed and fortunate)
- Bruno and Bronzo (both mean brown and dark-skinned)
- Dante and Dino (both mean enduring and steadfast)
- Diego and Domenico (both mean belonging to the Lord and devoted to God)
- Edoardo and Edward (both mean wealthy guardian and guardian of riches)
- Emilio and Emiliano (both mean rival and emulating)
- Ettore and Hector (both mean steadfast and tenacious)
- Fabio and Fabrizio (both mean craftsman and skillful)
- Filippo and Felipe (both mean lover of horses)
- Fortunato and Felice (both mean fortunate and happy)
- Francesco and Francis (both mean Frenchman and free man)
- Gianluca and John (both mean God is gracious and gift of God)
- Giovanni and Gianni (both are variants of John and mean God is gracious)
- Giuseppe and Beppe (both are variants of Joseph and mean God will increase)
- Guido and Giacomo (both mean leader and guide)
- Luca and Luciano (both mean light and illumination)
- Marco and Marcus (both mean warlike and martial)
- Matteo and Teodoro (both mean gift of God)
- Mauro and Maurice (both mean dark-skinned and Moorish)
- Nicola and Nicholas (both mean victory of the people and conqueror of the people)
- Paolo and Paulo (both mean small and humble)
- Pietro and Pedro (both mean rock and stone)
- Tommaso and Thomas (both mean twin and double)
- Valentino and Valerio (both mean strong and healthy)
- Vincenzo and Vincent (both mean conquering and victorious)
Italian Twin Boy Names with the Same Theme

Flower Theme
- Lino and Floriano
- Lino: Flaxen, like a flower
- Floriano: Flowering
- Budino and Botanio
- Budino: Pudding (playful reference to blossoming)
- Botanio: Botany, study of flowers
- Gelsomino and Narciso
- Gelsomino: Jasmine
- Narciso: Narcissus
- Tulio and Giglio
- Tulio: Derived from Tullius, referring to a type of tulip
- Giglio: Lily
Love Theme
- Amore and Caro
- Amore: Love
- Caro: Dear
- Cara and Diletto
- Cara: Beloved
- Diletto: Delight, darling
- Valentino and Amato
- Valentino: Strong, healthy
- Amato: Beloved
- Adamo and Amore
- Adamo: Adam, symbolizing humanity’s first love
- Amore: Love
- Amedeo and Cuore
- Amedeo: Beloved of God
- Cuore: Heart
Nature Theme
- Sole and Luna
- Sole: Sun
- Luna: Moon
- Nuvola and Stellato
- Nuvola: Cloud
- Stellato: Starry
- Cielo and Terra
- Cielo: Sky
- Terra: Earth
- Venturo and Aurora
- Venturo: Adventurous, like the wind
- Aurora: Dawn
- Monte and Valle
- Monte: Mountain
- Valle: Valley
Animal Theme
- Leone and Tigre
- Leone: Lion
- Tigre: Tiger
- Orso and Lupo
- Orso: Bear
- Lupo: Wolf
- Aquila and Falco
- Aquila: Eagle
- Falco: Falcon
- Cane and Gatto
- Cane: Dog
- Gatto: Cat
- Ferro and Falco
- Ferro: Iron (strong and sturdy)
- Falco: Falcon
Gift of God Theme
- Angelo and Dario
- Angelo: Angel
- Dario: Upholder of the good
- Gabriele and Celestino
- Gabriele: God is my strength
- Celestino: Heavenly
- Michele and Arcangelo
- Michele: Who is like God
- Arcangelo: Archangel
- Miracolo and Benedetto
- Miracolo: Miracle
- Benedetto: Blessed
- Salvatore and Gesù
- Salvatore: Savior
- Gesù: Jesus
Royal Theme
- Re and Principio
- Re: King
- Principio: Principle
- Regale and Nobilità
- Regale: Royal
- Nobilità: Nobility
- Principe and Marchese
- Principe: Prince
- Marchese: Marquess
- Duca and Conte
- Duca: Duke
- Conte: Count
- Barone and Visconte
- Barone: Baron
- Visconte: Viscount
Vintage Theme
- Ettore and Achille
- Ettore: Hector (heroic figure)
- Achille: Achilles (famous warrior)
- Ludovico and Arturo
- Ludovico: Ludwig, famous warrior
- Arturo: Arthur (legendary king)
- Amadeo and Ottavio
- Amadeo: Loved by God
- Ottavio: Eighth
- Romeo and Emanuele
- Romeo: Pilgrim to Rome
- Emanuele: God is with us
- Leonardo and Valentino
- Leonardo: Brave lion
- Valentino: Strong, healthy
Gemstone Theme
- Rubino and Zaffiro
- Rubino: Ruby
- Zaffiro: Sapphire
- Topazio and Opale
- Topazio: Topaz
- Opale: Opal
- Giada and Smeraldo
- Giada: Jade
- Smeraldo: Emerald
- Ametista and Cristallo
- Ametista: Amethyst
- Cristallo: Crystal
- Onice and Turchese
- Onice: Onyx
- Turchese: Turquoise
Seasonal Theme
- Primavera and Autunno
- Primavera: Spring
- Autunno: Autumn
- Inverno and Estate
- Inverno: Winter
- Estate: Summer
- Neve and Pioggia
- Neve: Snow
- Pioggia: Rain
- Freddo and Caldo
- Freddo: Cold
- Caldo: Hot
- Fioritura and Raccolto
- Fioritura: Blossoming
- Raccolto: Harvest
Music Theme
- Armonia and Melodia
- Armonia: Harmony
- Melodia: Melody
- Sinfonia and Sonata
- Sinfonia: Symphony
- Sonata: Sonata
- Allegro and Crescendo
- Allegro: Lively
- Crescendo: Gradually increasing in loudness
- Note and Ritmo
- Note: Musical notes
- Ritmo: Rhythm
- Voce and Accordi
- Voce: Voice
- Accordi: Chords
Space Theme
- Stella and Cosmo
- Stella: Star
- Cosmo: Universe
- Luna and Astro
- Luna: Moon
- Astro: Celestial body
- Orione and Galileo
- Orione: Orion (constellation)
- Galileo: Galileo Galilei (astronomer)
- Astra and Nebula
- Astra: Stars
- Nebula: Nebula
- Saturno and Giove
- Saturno: Saturn (planet)
- Giove: Jupiter (planet)
Short and Sweet Italian Twin Boy Names

- Ben and Eli
- Ben: Son of the right hand
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Ben and Gio
- Ben: Son of the right hand
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Carlo and Ciro
- Carlo: Man, warrior
- Ciro: Cyrus, throne, sun
- Eli and Enzo
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted.
- Enzo: Short form of Lorenzo, meaning “from Laurentum”
- Enzo and Luca
- Enzo: Short form of Lorenzo, meaning “from Laurentum”
- Luca: Bringer of light
- Gino and Gio
- Gino: Short form of names ending in -gino, like Luigi or Eugenio
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Gio and Eli
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Gio and Sam
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Sam: Short form of Samuel, meaning “heard by God”
- Leo and Ben
- Leo: Lion
- Ben: Son of the right hand
- Leo and Eli
- Leo: Lion
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Leo and Gio
- Leo: Lion
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Leo and Luca
- Leo: Lion
- Luca: Bringer of light
- Leo and Max
- Leo: Lion
- Max: Greatest
- Leo and Sam
- Leo: Lion
- Sam: Short form of Samuel, meaning “heard by God”
- Max and Ben
- Max: Greatest
- Ben: Son of the right hand
- Max and Eli
- Max: Greatest
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Max and Gio
- Max: Greatest
- Gio: Short form of Giovanni, meaning “God is gracious”
- Max and Luca
- Max: Greatest
- Luca: Bringer of light
- Nico and Nino
- Nico: Short form of Nicholas, meaning “victory of the people”
- Nino: Short form of names ending in -nino, like Antonino or Gennaro
- Paolo and Pio
- Paolo: Paul, small
- Pio: Pious, devout
- Sam and Eli
- Sam: Short form of Samuel, meaning “heard by God”
- Eli: Ascended, uplifted
- Sam and Leo
- Sam: Short form of Samuel, meaning “heard by God”
- Leo: Lion
- Sam and Max
- Sam: Short form of Samuel, meaning “heard by God”
- Max: Greatest
- Vico and Vito
- Vico: Victor, conqueror
- Vito: Life
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