230+ Unique Italian Names with Meanings

Are you an Italian parent looking for something special for your child’s name? Our blog on unique Italian names is just what you need! Whether you’re expecting a daughter, a son, or prefer a gender-neutral option, we’ve got a collection of uncommon and distinctive Italian names that will make your child stand out in a crowd. Let’s explore together and find the perfect name for your little bundle of joy!
Table of Contents
Unique Italian Names for Boys

Explore unique Italian names for boys, each with its pronunciation and distinctive meaning rooted in Italian culture:
- Achille (ah-KEE-leh): Pain, Grief
- Adelmo (ah-DEHL-moh): Noble protector
- Alarico (ah-LAH-ree-koh): Ruler of all
- Alcide (ahl-CHEE-deh): Strength, Power
- Alfio (AHL-fee-oh): Fair, Blond
- Alighiero (ah-lee-GYEH-roh): Noble, Renowned
- Almerico (ahl-MEH-ree-koh): Work, Labor
- Alvise (AHL-vee-zeh): Renowned warrior
- Amato (ah-MAH-toh): Beloved
- Amerigo (ah-MEH-ree-goh): Work, Labor
- Anselmo (ahn-SEHL-moh): Divine helmet
- Aquilino (ah-kwee-LEE-noh): Eagle
- Arcangelo (ahr-kahn-JEH-loh): Archangel
- Arduino (ahr-DOO-noh): Bold, Brave friend
- Aroldo (ahr-OHL-doh): Leader, Ruler
- Attilio (aht-TEEL-yoh): Father, Noble
- Aurelio (ow-REH-lyoh): Golden, Gilded
- Baldassare (bahl-dahs-SAH-reh): Baal protects
- Baldovino (bahl-doh-VEE-noh): Brave friend
- Basilio (bah-ZEE-lyoh): Royal, Kingly
- Benedetto (behn-eh-DEHT-toh): Blessed
- Beniamino (behn-yah-MEE-noh): Son of the right hand
- Bonaventura (boh-nah-vehn-TOO-rah): Good fortune
- Bonifacio (boh-nee-FAH-chyoh): Doer of good
- Carmine (KAHR-meen): Song, Poem
- Corrado (koh-RAH-doh): Bold counsel
- Cosimo (koh-ZEE-moh): Order, Beauty
- Costantino (koh-stahn-TEE-noh): Constant, Steadfast
- Donato (doh-NAH-toh): Given, Gift
- Edmondo (ed-MOHN-doh): Wealthy protector
- Egisto (eh-JEES-toh): Sword, Lance
- Eligio (eh-LEE-jyoh): Chosen, Elect
- Eliseo (eh-lee-ZEH-oh): My God is salvation
- Emidio (eh-MEE-dee-oh): Half-god
- Enzio (EHN-tsyoh): Home ruler
- Erminio (ehr-MEE-nyoh): Whole, Universal
- Euclide (eh-oo-KLEE-deh): Glorious victory
- Eusebio (eh-oo-ZEH-byoh): Pious, Devout
- Ezio (EH-tsyoh): Eagle
- Fausto (FAW-stoh): Lucky, Fortunate
- Federigo (feh-deh-REE-goh): Peaceful ruler
- Ferruccio (feh-ROO-choh): Little iron
- Fiorello (fyoh-REHL-loh): Little flower
- Flavio (FLAH-vyoh): Blond, Fair
- Fulvio (FOOL-vyoh): Yellow, Blond
- Furio (FOO-ryo): Fierce, Wild
- Geronimo (jeh-RAH-nee-moh): Sacred name
- Giancarlo (jahn-KAHR-loh): God is gracious
- Gianmarco (jahn-MAHR-koh): God is gracious
- Giotto (JYAWT-toh): God, Lord
- Graziano (grah-TSYAH-noh): Gracious, Merciful
- Guido (GWEED-oh): Wood, Forest
- Ippolito (eep-POH-lee-toh): Freer of horses
- Italo (EE-tah-loh): Of Italy
- Ivano (EE-vah-noh): God is gracious
- Ivo (EE-voh): Yew, Archer
- Lazzaro (LAHTS-tsah-roh): God has helped
- Lino (LEE-noh): Flaxen-haired
- Livio (LEE-vyoh): Blue, Bluish
- Loris (LOH-rees): Laurel, Honor
- Marino (mah-REE-noh): Of the sea
- Massimiliano (mahs-see-mee-LYAH-noh): Greatest
- Medardo (meh-DAHR-doh): Courageous, Strong
- Naldo (NAHL-doh): Powerful, Strong
- Nazzareno (naht-tsah-REH-noh): From Nazareth
- Nereo (NEH-reh-oh): Of the sea
- Nerio (NEH-ryo): Water
- Nerone (neh-ROH-neh): Strong, Powerful
- Orazio (oh-RAH-tsyoh): Timekeeper, Hour
- Orfeo (OHR-feh-oh): Darkness
- Orlando (or-LAHN-doh): Famous throughout the land
- Osvaldo (os-VAHL-doh): God’s power
- Ottavio (ot-TAH-vyoh): Eighth
- Pacifico (pah-CHEE-fee-koh): Peaceful, Serene
- Palmiro (pahl-MEE-roh): Palm tree
- Pascalino (pahs-kah-LEE-noh): Easter, Passover
- Patrizio (pah-TREET-syoh): Noble, Patrician
- Pierluigi (pyehr-LOO-gee): Rock, Stone
- Primo (PREE-moh): First
- Prospero (prohs-PEH-roh): Prosperous, Fortunate
- Quirino (kee-REE-noh): Spear
- Remo (REH-moh): Oar, Rower
- Renzo (REHN-tsoh): Renowned warrior
- Rinaldo (ree-NAHL-doh): Wise power
- Rodolfo (roh-DOL-foh): Famous wolf
- Romano (roh-MAH-noh): Of Rome
- Ruggero (roo-JEH-roh): Famous spear
- Sabino (sah-BEE-noh): Of the Sabine tribe
- Salvino (sahl-VEE-noh): Savior
- Sante (SAHN-teh): Holy
- Santino (sahn-TEE-noh): Little saint
- Santo (SAHN-toh): Saint
- Saverio (sah-VEH-ryo): Savior
- Severino (seh-veh-REE-noh): Stern, Severe
- Silvano (seel-VAH-noh): Of the woods
- Silverio (seel-VEH-ryo): Silver
- Siro (SEE-roh): Sirius, The dog star
- Taddeo (TAHD-deh-oh): Gift of God
- Tazio (TAHTS-yoh): To be silent
- Teodoro (teh-oh-DOH-roh): Gift of God
- Teofilo (teh-oh-FEE-loh): Friend of God
- Terenzio (teh-REHN-tsyoh): Smooth, polished
- Tullio (TOOL-lyoh): Of the city of Tullus
- Ubaldo (oo-BAHL-doh): Bold, brave
- Ugo (OO-goh): Mind, Intellect
- Ulisse (oo-LEES-seh): Wrathful
- Umberto (oom-BEHR-toh): Bright, Shining
- Urbano (oor-BAH-noh): From the city
- Vinicio (vee-NEE-choh): Vineyard
- Zefiro (zeh-FEE-roh): West wind
Unique Italian Names for Girls

Discover unique Italian names for girls, each with its pronunciation and unique significance inspired by Italian heritage:
- Ada (AY-duh): Noble, Serene
- Agnese (ahg-NEH-zeh): Pure, Chaste
- Aida (AHY-dah): Reward, Present
- Alda (AHL-dah): Old, Wise
- Aletta (ah-LEHT-tah): Winged, Noble
- Altea (ahl-TEH-ah): Healing, Curing
- Ariadne (air-ee-AD-nee): Most holy
- Armida (ahr-MEE-dah): Little armed one
- Assunta (ahs-SOON-tah): Assumption, taken up
- Berenice (buh-REN-ih-see): Bringer of victory
- Biancamaria (byahn-kah-mah-REE-ah): White, Pure
- Brunella (broo-NEHL-lah): Brown-haired
- Calandra (kah-LAHN-drah): Lark
- Calista (kah-LEES-tah): Most beautiful
- Cinzia (CHEEN-tsyah): Moon, goddess of the hunt
- Clarissa (klah-REE-sah): Bright, Clear
- Concetta (kohn-CHEHT-tah): Conception, Beginning
- Cosima (koh-SEE-mah): Order, Beauty
- Damiana (dah-MYAH-nah): To tame, Subdue
- Daria (DAH-ree-ah): Wealthy, Wealthy one
- Delfina (del-FEE-nah): Dolphin
- Edvige (ed-VEE-jeh): Battle, War
- Eloisa (eh-loh-EE-sah): Famous warrior
- Elvira (el-VEER-ah): True, White
- Erminia (ehr-MEE-nyah): Universal, Whole
- Ersilia (ehr-SEE-lyah): To weave
- Esterina (eh-steh-REE-nah): Star
- Eufemia (eh-oo-FEH-myah): Well-spoken
- Eulalia (yoo-LAH-lee-ah): Sweet-speaking
- Evelina (eh-veh-LEE-nah): Life, Living
- Fausta (FAW-stah): Fortunate, Lucky
- Fiammetta (fyahm-MET-tah): Little flame
- Fiorella (fyoh-REHL-lah): Little flower
- Fiorenza (fyoh-REHN-tsah): Flowering, Blossoming
- Flaminia (flah-MEEN-yah): Fire
- Flaviana (flah-VYAH-nah): Yellow, blond
- Florentina (flaw-rehn-TEE-nah): Flowering, Blossoming
- Fortunata (for-too-NAH-tah): Fortunate, Lucky
- Gelsomina (jel-soh-MEE-nah): Jasmine
- Gilda (JEEL-dah): Sacrifice, Value
- Gioia (JOY-ah): Joy
- Giovannella (joh-vahn-NEHL-lah): God is gracious
- Giuliana (joo-lee-AH-nah): Youthful, Downy-bearded
- Giulietta (joo-lee-ET-tah): Youthful, Downy-bearded
- Grazia (GRAHTS-yah): Grace, Favor
- Ileana (ee-leh-AH-nah): Torch, Bright
- Imelda (ee-MEHL-dah): Universal battle
- Iolanda (yoh-LAHN-dah): Violet flower
- Iris (EYE-ris): Rainbow
- Jacinta (hah-SEEN-tah): Hyacinth
- Lavinia (lah-VEE-nee-ah): Woman of Rome
- Leandra (lee-AHN-drah): Lioness
- Leda (LEH-dah): Woman
- Letizia (leh-TEE-tsyah): Joy, Happiness
- Loredana (law-reh-DAH-nah): To praise, Laurel
- Loriana (loh-ree-AH-nah): Laurel
- Mafalda (mah-FAHL-dah): Mighty in battle
- Marcella (mahr-CHEHL-lah): Warlike
- Mariabella (mahr-yah-BEH-lah): Bitter, Sea of bitterness
- Marisa (mah-REE-sah): Of the sea
- Marzia (MAHR-tsyah): Bitter, Sea of bitterness
- Melisandra (meh-lee-SAHN-drah): Honey bee
- Mirabella (meer-ah-BEH-lah): Wondrous, Beautiful
- Nella (NEH-lah): Light
- Nerina (neh-REE-nah): Sea nymph
- Nives (NEE-vehz): Snows
- Oriana (ohr-ee-AH-nah): Golden, Sunrise
- Ottavia (oh-TAH-vyah): Eighth
- Pia (PYAH): Pious, Devout
- Priscilla (prih-SIL-ah): Ancient, Classical
- Quintina (kwin-TEE-nah): Fifth
- Rosalia (roh-ZAH-lee-ah): Rose
- Santina (sahn-TEE-nah): Little saint
- Serenella (seh-reh-NEHL-lah): Serene, Calm
- Sveva (SVEH-vah): White wave
- Teodora (teh-oh-DOH-rah): Gift of God
- Tullia (TOOL-lyah): Support, Strong
- Umberta (oom-BEHR-tah): Bright, Shining
- Velia (VEH-lyah): Hidden
- Zita (ZEE-tah): Seeker
Gender Neutral Unique Italian Names

Find gender-neutral unique Italian names, each with its pronunciation and uncommon charm that transcends traditional gender norms:
- Adelio (ah-DEH-lyoh): Noble, Kind
- Aldo (AHL-doh): Old, Wise
- Alino (ah-LEE-noh): Noble, Bright
- Almo (AHL-moh): Nourishing, Kind
- Ambrogio (ahm-BROH-joh): Immortal, Divine
- Azzo (AHTS-zoh): Noble, Respected
- Benigno (beh-NEEN-yoh): Kind, Gentle
- Benvenuto (behn-veh-NOO-toh): Welcome, Appreciated
- Brio (BREE-oh): Vigor, Energy
- Casey (KAY-see): Vigilant, Watchful
- Celio (CHEH-lyoh): Heaven, Sky
- Chris (KRIS): Christ-bearer
- Cielo (chyeh-LOH): Heaven, Sky
- Dakota (dah-KOH-tah): Friend, Ally
- Decio (DEH-choh): Tenth, Born in December
- Delfino (del-FEE-noh): Dolphin
- Dino (DEE-noh): Strong, Mighty
- Dominique (doh-mee-NEEK): Belonging to the Lord
- Dylan (DIL-an): Son of the sea
- Edilio (eh-DEE-lyoh): Wealthy, Prosperous
- Egidio (eh-JEE-dyoh): Shield, Protector
- Elvio (EHL-vee-oh): Blond, Fair-haired
- Eriberto (eh-ree-BEHR-toh): Bright, Illustrious
- Fedele (feh-DEH-leh): Faithful, Loyal
- Fiorentino (fyoh-ren-TEE-noh): Flourishing, Prosperous
- Gaudenzio (gaw-DEN-tsyoh): Joyful, Cheerful
- Giosuè (joh-SWEH): God is salvation
- Kai (KY): Ocean, Sea
- Mirko (MEER-koh): Peaceful, Calm
- Morgan (MOR-gan): Sea-born
- Nestore (nehs-TOH-reh): Returning home, Homecoming
- Nuvola (noo-VOH-lah): Cloud
- Orsino (or-SEE-noh): Bear-like, Brave
- Pace (PAH-che): Peace
- Pelagio (peh-LAH-jyoh): Of the sea
- Pericle (peh-REE-kle): Surrounded by glory
- Vasco (VAHS-koh): Crow, Raven
- Venustiano (veh-noos-TYAH-no): Charming, Attractive
- Vespero (VEHS-peh-roh): Evening star
- Vilfredo (veel-FREH-doh): Peaceful, Tranquil
- Virgilio (veer-JEE-lyoh): Flourishing, Blooming
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